Research Centers & Institutes

Center for Learning and Cognitive Science

Date: 2018-09-03       Visitcount: 154

The Center for Learning and Cognitive Science (CLCS) was established in 2016. The Center focuses on the study of the cognitive and neural mechanisms of learning underlying language and cognitive development. To gain insights from multiple perspectives, the Center performs behavioral (IPLP, eye-tracking), physiological (PSG), and cognitive training experiments in healthy subjects (from infants to adolescents) and disordered populations (e.g. autism). So far, the Center has Tobii Spectrum 600 and PSG in the lab. Additionally, the Center has established collaboration with the Oxford Baby Lab.

The directors of the Center are Prof. XU Qinmei and Prof. Kim Plunkett(Oxford University side).

  • College of Education, Zhejiang University
    866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou
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