Students in News

Professors from University College Dublin visited the Department of Physical Education, College of Education, China

Date: 2012-04-27       Visitcount: 1420

    Professor Giuseppe De Vito, Professor Colin Boreham, Professor John Shuttle and Ms. Bao Yi from University College Dublin visited the Department of Physical Education, College of Education from April 24 to April 25, 2012.
    On the afternoon of April 24, the professors from University College Dublin had a meeting with Professor Lin Xiaomei, Associate professor Zhou Yongping and Associate professor Zhou Lijun, and others. Dr. Lijun Zhou hosted the meeting. The two parties had a discussion on the 3.5+0.5+1 program for undergraduate and graduate cultivation models and obtained a consensus. On the morning of April 25th, professors from University College Dublin, Giuseppe De Vito and John Shuttle, gave presentations titled ”Research opportunities for postgraduates in Sport and exercise science” and ”Introduction of sports management program at UCD”. Faculty and students from the department of Physical Education attended the lectures
    Professor John Shuttle introduced the sports management program at UCD. After the presentation, students asked questions.


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